
welcome to my website.

Hello World. I'm Shan, I'm a designer and I like to create experiences that make people happy.
When I started my career in this field 6 years ago, I wanted to make users happy. The reality of my work is creating a case & argument that will make users happy and in turn make my client's business happy.

I get impatient with making things work, so I take up hobbies that enable me to work on the thing.
I'm a designer who codes. Or I'm a coder who designs. You take your pick.
I also like to DJ. I jokingly call it one of many side hustles.

I'm sorry the website is a mess. I'm still trying to clean things up.
Well, no. It actually is as clean as it can be. The template for this website is immaculately minimal.
Kind of like how I imagine Kanye West's room, with just a bed and a laptop for making music.

Sorry for yapping on. I hope you enjoy your stay here.
